July 26, 2024 9:17 PM

Holiday Travel

Barack Obama’s Vacation to Palm Springs in California.

This trip is a thank you sign for support and love during the time Barack Obama (their dad) was a president and to make up for the time he wasn’t there for his family. As it was mentioned by a source that Obama is now looking forward to dedicating his time and resource to his family and make up for all those busy days he had as a president. We can say is a marvelous and well-deserved vacation for the Obamas.


Elbphilharmonie Concert Hall; The Pinnacle Of Hamburg

Hamburg shows how a different city will weigh priorities differently. One of the richest cities in Europe, it has not hitherto been seen as a top-tier cultural destination. With the Elbphilharmonie, it is showing how a high-tech hall can trigger cultural and social renewal, with delays and cost over-runs overcome by political and popular enthusiasm.


India’s Ancient Engineering Marvel

Thus the step wells are important features as far as tourism is concerned, and should be given special attention by the Indian government so as to utilize these marvelous architectural designs as well as possible to bring income to the government.


5 Hot Travel Destinations That You Could Never Have Traveled To Before

Back in the years between 50's and 90's when there was the cold war in Russia, military reign in Myanmar, communism in Cuba and international sanctions in Iran, these places were forbidden such that our parents never had a chance to visit.


Chinese New Year & The Best Places To Be When It Happens

Beijing, China; Temple fairs replete with local snacks, folk art, and traditional performances pop up outside local temples throughout Beijing each Chinese New Year.


New Travel Apps That Links Brands With Influencers Worldwide.

Therefore it is not necessary for influencers to have a million followers, just the right person for the task despite the number of followers can do the task and highly promote the brand.


Spain's Cathedrals: A Beach Made Of Gold

Change of decisions with the Galician government to let the investigation take place so as to identify and proving the availability of gold at the Beach. Until then the treasures at the Cathedral Beaches will always remain a mystery.


Bavaria's Beer 500 Years Old Purity Law; Germany Travel Drink

Those looking for a really special experience should try the winter beers from a wide-brimmed red wine glass – it is a whole new drinking experience.


Man Offers His Van For Travelers To Sleep

Wanna sleep in a van with a man? Don't worry, it's not a joke, and in fact, one man has been offering his van for tourists or locals to sleep in while on the roads as a 'hostel on wheels.'


2017's Hottest Travel Trends & Destinations

Make your travel exciting this year through practicing the above travel trends and visiting the hottest destinations.


Chinese New Year Travel; Hits High Travel Records In 2017

The reason anticipated for the increase of the traveling this holiday is, the ease of attaining visas to most of the destinations. increased airline numbers and low package costs will result in seeing a lot of Chinese in the stated destinations between the end of January to early February.


Best Resorts In The Florida Keys

Having originated from a small motel in 1967, Pier House is now developed to a small private beach with a beautiful architect of the rooms.


The World’s Most Generous Countries

The results demonstrate very sharply how a 'poor' country can be a 'rich' one through its generosity, by focusing on giving rather than getting.


Gik Blue Wine; First Of Its Kind

But what seems like the blue wine is simply a novelty shaking up the Spanish market, the surprising fact that Gïk is currently sold in 25 countries, and there are plans to enter the US market this year.


Have A Great Time And Fun Experience In Zurich

Zurich is a great place to go plan for it this year and enjoy the food and great adventures.


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