February 12, 2025 04:13 AM

What is Inside North Korea's Room 39?

Known as the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea has been secluded from the world for the past half-decade. A lot of aspects regarding their people, culture, and the government has been under other countries' speculations for decades. In fact, a number of their government operations are shrouded in mystery. One particular controversy about North Korea is known as the Room 39.

There had been controversial reports of this to be a secret room within the hidden complexes of North Korea where they smuggle money or torture military defectors. Financial Times has reported that there are allegations that state that it is a mafia-like organization and a secretive branch of the government which is powerful inside North Korea. But what really is North Korea's Room 39 and why is everyone so curious to find where it is?

Contrary to most people's beliefs, North Korea's Room 39 is not actually a physical location and cannot be traveled to. However, it is one of the most important funds in North Korea. It is one of the primary source of money that helps build their nation.

Noticeable in how many of their grand monuments and structures are can be quite luxurious. These are common destinations that tourists are allowed to visit and it is not difficult to wonder where they get their national income.

Where does North Korea get money to build their beautiful buildings, their festive and grand parades, and gigantic monuments? According to a report from CNN, North Korea exports military machinery, coal, and minerals. They also include tourism as one of their primary sources of national funds.

Is there any truth behind all the controversies and is it really safe to travel to North Korea? So far, there had been no physical evidence to prove that the Room 39 has functioned as it allegedly has. However, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal, there had been defectors that testify to the fact that Room 39 does work to come up with large sums of money that are aimed to help build their socialist economy. Based on their testimonies, these funds are collected under government registered 'revolutionary funds'.

North korea
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