July 26, 2024 9:36 PM

north korea

North Korea's Artificial Islands Could Be Home To Military Nuclear Sites

The recent discovery of artificial islands located 70 miles northwest of Pyongyang have made some experts very uneasy about the possibility of them being home to the North's missiles.


Another US Citizen Is Detained In North Korea

An American professor who worked at PUST was detained last Saturday.


Another US Citizen Detained In North Korea

An accounting professor from the US got detained by North Korean authorities Saturday.


North Korea Threatens US With Nuclear Strike

Tension escalates between the U.S. and North Korea in light of the sixth nuclear test the reclusive country is about to initiate soon.


The Most Bizarre Myths About North Korea

North Korea is bursting of secrets, so much that conspiracy theories and bizarre myths surround this hermit kingdom.


Kuala Lumpur International Airport Declared Safe After Nerve Gas Attack

Kuala Lumpur officials declare the Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 2 as a "safe zone" after surveys and sweeps of a deadly nerve agent that killed North Korean Political Exile Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother to North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un, came with results indicating no contamination.


From Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia & North Korea Bizarre Travel Laws: Everything Travelers Need To Follow

Learn what to know about traveling to Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Nother Korea and their bizarre travel laws.


What is Inside North Korea's Room 39?

Known as the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea has been secluded from the world for the past half-decade. A lot of aspects regarding their people, culture, and the government has been under other countries' speculations for decades. In fact, a number of their government operations are shrouded in mystery. One particular controversy about North Korea is known as the Room 39.


Top 5 Tips On What To Bring & Not To Bring On Your North Korean Travel Escapades

For a hassle-free trip to North Korea, consider this top 5 tips on what to bring or not to bring on your travel escapades in the world's most secretive nation.


The Four Hidden Secrets and Treasures of North Korea

North Korea has always intrigued many travelers, especially since it is not that easy to enter their country. But what they are hiding is something that journalists are still yet to find. So far, these are a few of the interesting not-so-known facts about the Hermit Kingdom.


Chinese Travelers To North Korea Only Visit Once Due To 'Lack Of Attractions' Despite Relaxed Visa Requirements

Chinese tourists find the lack of attractions and unique experiences in North Korea not worth their money despite their Visa-free travel into the country. Despite its natural wonders such as mountains and spas, North Korea's historic and cultural tourism economy needs more.


North Korea Is Travel-Friendly Than What Most People Think; Top 5 Tourist Spots To Visit Revealed

There's always a misconception about North Korea whether it's a safe place to travel or not. Little do people know that the country is actually travel-friendly that what most travelers think. Here are the top 5 tourist places in North Korea that people should visit.


North Korea Reports 'Hotel Of Doom' Rumored Opening At Last

One of the world's largest hotels is found in North Korea. This large "hotel of doom" is said to be restarting their operations.


Finland, Qatar, UAE Top World's Safest Cities; UK, Less Safe Than Rwanda, Saudi Arabia

Global heavyweights such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America fared poorly, lagging at 63rd, and 73rd place, respectively. According to The Telegraph, this puts them below countries such as Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, and Rwanda.


OFF-BEAT: North Korea Invents ‘Hangover-Free Alcohol’

North Korean ginseng liquor can be drunk without distress of hangover.


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