February 16, 2025 01:37 AM

Eat, Pray & Love At Placid Pennsylvania

In terms of traveling to experience the finest of food, spirituality (sabbatical) and social environment, one does not necessarily have to look far. There are still a number of interesting locations (states) in North America that is worthy of attention.

Among the many states that adopted the moniker the 'Switzerland of America,' Pennsylvania might be among the interesting tourist selections. As a place that offers a wide range of tourist preferences, here are the three important ways to enjoy one's travel in Pennsylvania:

Eat Best At Winning Food Tours

Anyone looking for fine local cuisine will definitely enjoy their travel in Pennsylvania. This state offers at least 10 best organized tours solely dedicated to local gastronomy. Three of the best food tours recommended by Trip Advisor include Taste Kennett Food Tours, City Food Tours Philadelphia, and Savor Gettysburg Food Tours.

Pray Along With The Peace-loving Amish

In one is seeking to reconnect with his/her Christian faith, it is best to stop by a number of Pennsylvanian Amish communities. What is so fascinating about these German-patois communities is that every aspect of their lives rejects modern technology. This means no television, the internet, radio, and even clothing that are otherwise fastened by hook and rings. The Amish abhor all forms of violence and prefer everything in their retreat centers to be solemn, simple, and rudimentary - a true retreat from the hectic and noisy city life.

Love The 'Land Of The Free & Home Of The Brave'

Apart from the countryside Pennsylvanian Amish communities, some cities in Pennsylvania have perfectly fused ecology with urbanization. Places like the borough of Jim Thorpe earned the nickname 'Switzerland of America' because of its picturesque environment - a verdant semi-rural settlement surrounded by pictographic snow-capped mountains.

One of the key places in Pennsylvania worth visiting is the Gettysburg Memorial Site, the location of the last battle during the American Civil War. It is also important to take note that the Liberty Bell, the earliest symbol of freedom during the Revolutionary War with England, is also ensconced in the Liberty Bell Center in Philadelphia City.

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