July 26, 2024 9:35 PM


Discovery Channel Is Looking For Intern To Travel The World

The intern will travel to at least five countries and document their adventure. The winner will be given a daily allowance and basic travel insurance.


Gunman Takes Six Hostages In Paris Travel Agency

Six hostages were held by a gunman in Asieland travel agency on Boulevard Massena, in the city’s 13th arrondissement past 6:30 Friday evening. All had been found safe and no harm was done after the incident.


Ultimate Vacation Goals: Europe Tops Millenials #NoFOMO Travel Destinations

Millenials are the largest generations to date. They are adventurous, career-oriented, plugged-in and have grown totally surrounded by high-tech gadgets, social networks and the Internet.


Five Realistic Locations From 'Star Wars', 'The Lord Of The Rings' And 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn' You Can Visit For The Photos

Want to go an extra mile? Visit some of the most sought-after film locations around the globe. Reminisce and feel every scenes come alive in your very eyes.


Five Best Japan Souvenirs To Make Your Home Feel Like Japan

Japan has many souvenirs you could choose from. Here are some of the best souvenirs you shouldn't miss.


Travel Tips: Share Each Other’s Journey through the Travel Diary App Called 'Journi'

Journi is an offline travel journal that helps you create a story or mobile blog using the pictures in your smartphone.


Five Travel Packing Mistakes Every Travellers Do And How to Avoid Them

Really, her daydream vacation is so near and within her reach. So she went to the airport and fall in line for the security check up. The officers checked her items and there she go, she forgot the guidelines and her liquid bottles are confiscated.


Travel Advisory: Four Unique Tours For Groupies You Would Surely Want To Join

Traveling alone or with friends will be more meaningful if you’ll meet strangers along the way. Don’t worry about the itineraries, the room to sleep in or the company that you’ll mingle with. There’s a vast a group booking choices that will match your preference.


Top 3 Reasons Why Iceland Should be Your #1 Destination for 2014

It's almost 2014 and New Year's resolutions are brewing everywhere. Among all these resolutions, the need to travel more comes into mind.


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