February 6, 2025 12:31 PM

Delta Airlines Officers Drag Black Woman Off Flight; Said Passenger Showed ‘Huge Attitude’

A commotion was caught on video, an airline officer dragged off a woman passenger by her limbs towards the door of the plane. The incident happened on Monday, December 12. The Delta Airlines Flight 2083 stationed in Detroit going to San Diego was briefly delayed due to the incident. The unidentified woman showed a "huge attitude" before she was taken off the plane at Detroit Metro Airport.

According to reports, the woman did not check in properly. She refused to comply with boarding and baggage check at the gate. Passengers aboard the plane assumed that the woman skipped the proper procedure as she walked past the gate agents at the terminal without presenting a ticket or proper ID to board the plane. Her aggressive actions towards the attendants provoked Delta personnel to approach her.

A witness said, "She didn't check in with gate agent and walked right on. The woman blew by gate agent and didn't check in because she wasn't an early boarder and deserved overhead bin space. Colleague in back by her said she was mouthy and had a huge attitude. Police tackled her out of her seat and brought her to the ground. Not sure how she was subdued, some people speculated a Taser."

In a statement, Erica Donerson of the Wayne County Airport Authority said that the authorities requested the woman to leave the aircraft but she refused to obey so they started to forcedly remove her from the flight. In a video taken on a cell phone, two officers are seen holding the woman's body in the middle of the aisle. The woman was on the floor, carried by her limb and struggling to escape from the arrest. The officers succeeded in taking her down the plane.

Reactions was later flooded Twitter after the incident. One said, "So a white man can verbally threaten and assault people on a plane, but a black woman is dragged off for not following boarding protocol?" Another commented about discrimination, "For whatever reason this black woman is being dragged like a dog off the plane is enough for me to never fly DELTA AIRLINES again. KARMA." Delta Airlines did not release any further details regarding the incident.

Delta airlines, Racial Discrimination, Airlines, Travel, Racist, Detroit, San diego, Twitter
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