July 26, 2024 9:51 PM


Explore the Extreme: Save 25% with Aurora Expeditions

Explore the Extreme: Save 25% with Aurora Expeditions

You can save up to 25% with Aurora Expeditions, exploring remote wonders from Antarctica to the Subantarctic Islands.


You Should Visit and Experience Antarctica - Here's How

You don't need to be an extreme explorer to visit Antarctica. Now, catching a flight from Punta Arenas or hopping on a ship from Ushuaia will get you there!


17 Places You Must Visit Before You Die

The world is too big to conquer in one lifetime, but don't miss out on the world's most spectacular destinations. As you hit the road, these 17 destinations around the globe should be part of your ultimate travel bucket list.


Argentina, Prague, & Antarctica: Travel Destinations With Learnig Perks

Travel and Learn in Antarctica, Argentina, and Prague. Find out how traveling can also be a good learning experience for many other skills.


Antarctica Could Possibly Be An Alien Landing Site On A Photo Taken From Google Earth

An image of what appears to be a staircase was captured through Google Earth by an anonymous user who posted it in a forum.


Larsen C: 10,000-Year Old Antarctic Ice Shelf Disintegrating From Antarctica; Global Sea Level Rise Expected; Flood Gates Anticipated To Open

Scientists for years have been monitoring the crack in the Larsen C however recently they have observed the rapid disintegration of the crack leaving them concerned but helpless.


Deception Island: Antarctica's Oldest Ghost Town

Antarctica, also known as the South Pole, is the southernmost continent in the Earth. With its frigid climate conditions throughout the year, the icy landscape is virtually uninhabited. However, there were times when parts of the continent has been inhabited by humans more than a century ago.


Runners Brave Negative 20 Degree Celsius Temperature At The Antarctic; Winner Says, ‘It Was Really Tough’

Cold weather, frozen mountain and ice throughout the whole region plus the possibility of robust Katabatic winds, the Antarctic Ice Marathon is made just for the brave and competitive athletes.


Top Five Of The World’s Scariest Airport Runways That Will Make You Wish For A Safe Landing!

You may think twice into travelling to these places in terms of flying. From short runways to high winds to mountainous terrain, these airports were deemed to be the scariest to fly in or out of.


Top 10 Most Extreme Travel Adventures in the World

Read the Extreme Facts of 10 Most Extreme Travel Adventures in the World.


Visit Antarctica: Surprising Things You Can Do

All ice and penguins? Think again. Here are surprising things you can do in Antarctica


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