July 26, 2024 10:01 PM

Articles by Will Walker

  • · Top 5

    Top 5 Swankiest Hotels in the World

    We can't all be billionaires. But that doesn't mean we can't appreciate their lifestyle. Indeed, from thousand-dollar meals, to multi-mullion-dollar mansions, we all revel a little bit in the lives of the extravagant, delighting in the different ways the über-rich spend their money.

  • · Top 5

    5 Best Books to Read This Summer Vacation

    If there’s anything made for the summer, it’s pleasure reading. Indeed, from the beach to the barbecue, there’s nothing better than sitting back, relaxing, and finally getting around to reading that book all your friends have been talking about.

  • · Top 5

    Top 5 Spookiest Sites in the US

    If you're like many Americans, there's nothing you enjoy more than a good scare. From blockbusters like The Conjuring to televisions shows like Ghost Hunters, our country is veritably obsessed with the supernatural, the paranormal, and the undead, entities that hold sway over many people even in the days and months after Halloween.

  • · Top 5

    Top 5 Airports in the Country

    There are few parts of traveling worse than sitting in the airport, waiting for your plane to take off. From the stuffy, recycled air, to the usually low quality and always overpriced food, airports are one of the worst things in any travel agenda, a necessary evil that plagues even the best-scheduled itinerary.

  • · Travel Tips

    3 Cultural Diets to Keep You Thin This Summer

    One of the best things about the summer is the opportunity it gives you to relax - to sit back, stop worrying, and take the time to read that book you never got around to reading or start that project you always wanted to do. The only problem with most summer plans, however, is that they aren't that active. Indeed, millions of people in America and around the world struggle with their weight during the summer months, trying to balance the inactivity of lounging in the sun with a diet that will allow them to keep their bikini body.

  • · Top 5

    Top 5 Prettiest College Campuses in the Country

    There are a lot of things that go into picking the right college. There's the academic experience, proximity to home, price, and of course, what the party scene is like. And yet, one factor that many potential students overlook (but perhaps shouldn't) is the physical beauty of the campus. After all, if you're committing to spending the next four years of your life in a place, it might as well be a place you don't mind looking at.

  • · Top 5

    5 Fast Food Restaurants and the Cities They Came From

    One of the strangest things about the modern world, to those who have lived long enough, must be the unbelievable prominence of so-called "fast food," giant chains that oftentimes didn't exist fifty years ago, and yet now own more real-estate than some small country's. Indeed, if anything about America is ubiquitous, it would have to be the golden arches of McDonalds or the red-headed young woman of Wendy's, signs of commerce, civilization, and to a certain extent, the materialism that has dominated the last half-century of American modernity.

  • · Top 5

    Top 5 Up and Coming Cities in the US Today

    Everyone knows that some cities are bigger, better, and more prosperous than others. Places like New York, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. are known around the world as being capitals of industry and commerce, establishing themselves collectively as the international face of the broader American community.

  • · Top 5

    5 Tips to Keep You Happy on Your Next Plane Flight

    As most frequent fliers know, there are few things in life worse than a bad plane flight. And, lets face it, the odds of that happening are pretty high. From the starchy seats to the screaming children, life on an airplane can border on hellish.

  • · Top 5

    5 Reasons Detroit is the Comeback City of 2014

    Few American cities have been as down, out, and utterly written-off as Detroit, Michigan, an old Midwestern powerhouse that suffered crippling economic collapse after the financial meltdown of 2007.

  • · Travel Tips

    3 Tips to Make European Travel Affordable

    Few things will injure your wallet more than a European vacation, a trip whose costs in basic necessities like plane-tickets, lodging, and food, is sure to leave you thousands of dollars in the red. And yet, like many things, the financial injury incurred by a trip to Europe can be reduced by planning and travelling smart. Indeed, by simply using the three tips listed below, you and your family can save literally hundreds of dollars on your next European vacation, making you all a lot happier without reducing the quality of the trip at all.

  • · Top 5

    5 Most Underrated Historical Sites in America

    If there's one thing that's certain about the US, it's that it's not very old. While Italy and England have monuments left over from 1,000 years ago, you're lucky to find something in America that predates the Civil War.

  • · Travel Tips

    Some Summer Tips for Low Budget Camping

    Let’s face it: summer travel is expensive. From the cost of actually travelling, to lodging, to food, even a rather modest long weekend with the family is sure to set you back at least $1,000, a price that, for many American families, is downright prohibitive. And yet, just because you’re travelling doesn’t mean you have to shell out the big bucks.

  • · Top 5

    5 American Natural Wonders You Never Knew Existed

    Sometimes, Americans gets a bad rap. People from around the world say that we’re consumptive and material, that we only care about reality TV and fast-food, that we never go outside anymore. And in some cases, they’re right.

  • · Top 5

    Top 5 Burgers in the Country

    There are few things that say "America" quite like a hamburger, one of, if not the most quintessentially national foods in the history of our country. And yet, with the influx of chains, mass consumerism, and genetically modified food, a good burger is harder and harder to come by.

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