July 26, 2024 10:19 PM


Damascus Airport Inoperable Again After Israeli Air Strikes

Damascus Airport Inoperable Again After Israeli Air Strikes

Israeli airstrikes hit Damascus airport in Syria, rendering it inoperable and causing material damage.


The Most Dangerous Countries For American Tourists Revealed

The number of travel warnings and actual deaths determined the rankings of the most dangerous countries for American tourists.


Donald Trump Blames Obama Administration's Misgivings As Cause Of Syrian Chemical Attack

A horrible chemical attack that killed 100 civilians in a northern Syrian village is the fault of Obama's weak implementation of US policy against Syria, according to Donald Trump.


New Immigration Order Sparks Protests in Major U.S. Airports

Protests in several major airports in the US occurred due to the new immigration policy banning citizens from seven predominantly muslim nations.


Travel Alert: Paris’ Eiffel Tower Reopens After Five-Day Labor Union Strike

The reopening of Eiffel Tower will help boost tourism, helping to get more visitors visible again.


Get To Know The Youngest Person To Visit Every Country In The World; Find Out How She Did It!

The world is composed of 196 countries which may seem impossible for one to visit in their lifetime. But a woman from Connecticut is about to prove us all wrong.


What To Expect From Greece’s Tourism In 2017?

Greece has indeed faced a lot of problems this past year, with different crisis in Europe affecting the country in one way or the other. The refugee crisis is one of the major crisis which affected Greece especially in its tourism industry. Greeks forecast its effects on their tourism industry in the coming year 2017.


Syrian Tourism Video Attracts Tourists With Game Of Thrones Tune

The clip that lasts for one-minute was posted by the Syrian Ministry of Tourism on their Facebook page highlighting the other side of the war-torn city. Interestingly, they opt for a mainstream theme song to go with it, which is the opening music from the "Game of Thrones" series, according to Time.


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