July 26, 2024 10:07 PM


Five Reasons Why You Should Try Capoeira

Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that was created during the time of African slavery in Brazil as a means for the locals to defend themselves from the colonists who exports almost 40 percent of the slaves to the new world. The slaves disguised the combat form through the art of dance.


Five Wonderful Dances Around The World

Dance is an art form where people can express their joys, sorrows, and anger. Also, it's a cultural communication among locals and perhaps to their gods who bestowed so many gifts for them. No matter how the movements came to be, it's clear that no one can resist dancing to the rhythms of any countries in the world.


The Five Best Places In The World To Learn How To Dance

The best way to dance is to dance with great company -- or the dance's original teachers. These five countries have differing cultures that have given birth to amazing dance moves and routines that are great to learn in-country.


Adorable Baby Dances During His Father's Concert

An adorable baby decides to steal the show while his father was performing in Irving, Texas.


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