July 26, 2024 9:52 PM


Raise The Raft! Top Five Reasons Why The Grand Canyon Has The Best Whitewater In America

The Grand Canyon is one of America's most defining landmarks, with its sandstone cliffs, facades, and valleys, it's hard not to be enamored with this beautiful creation of nature. One of the overlooked, yet most enjoyable activities available in the area is the extreme sport of whitewater rafting. Here are 5 reasons why the Grand Canyon is a good whitewater destination.


Top Five American Small Towns - Your Getaway From the City

With a population of only 9,020 people, and only being accessible via plane or ferry, much of this town is unexposed to outside influence, especially its wildlife. Among its glacier-carved mountains, sightings of rare animals such as bald eagles, brown bears, humpback whales, and sea otters are a common occurrence.


Syrian Tourism Video Attracts Tourists With Game Of Thrones Tune

The clip that lasts for one-minute was posted by the Syrian Ministry of Tourism on their Facebook page highlighting the other side of the war-torn city. Interestingly, they opt for a mainstream theme song to go with it, which is the opening music from the "Game of Thrones" series, according to Time.


Vote For The Happiest U.S. City On The Coast

Coastal Living holds a competition to determine the happiest American city among 10 chosen towns.


Donald Trump Calls Some US Airports 'Third-World' And America Is Not Happy About It

Trump's statement about U.S. airports being 'thrild-world' may backfire at him considering his own political party were one of the groups that opposed the construction of the California High Speed Rail.


Fukushima Nuclear Wave Hits West Coast of America

North American scientists have been tracking the 'Fukushima Plume' due to hit the west coast of America within the next few months.


Behind Top Secret America

What goes on behind America's Top Secret Government will shock you


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