July 26, 2024 9:11 PM

Articles by Eli Auslender

  • · Trending News

    Bangladeshi Ferry Carrying 250 Passengers Capsizes

    A ferry carrying around 250 passengers capsized in Bangladesh's Padma River in the Munshiganj district, killing at least two people, authorities have stated. Many more are likely dead, though no official body count has been released.

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    Argentina Enters its Second Default in 13 Years

    In a move that surprised very few on Wednesday, credit rating agency Standard & Poor's deemed Argentina to be in default of its debt to bondholders in New York. The default has been perceived as imminent, as the negotiations between Argentine finance ministers and bondholders had been described as icy, at best.

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    Israeli Mortars Strike Another UN School in Gaza, Kills at Least 15

    The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are investigating claims that at least 4 of its mortar rounds landed on and damaged another UN school in Gaza that housed refugees from the fighting. Gaza health officials have stated that at least 15 died in the strike and 90 were injured in the strike.

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    FAA Seeks $12 Million Fine Against Southwest Airlines

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is proposing a $12 million fine against American airline Southwest over negligence in complying with FAA-mandated repairs to Southwest's aircraft, the FAA stated in a recent press release.

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    5 Stand-Up Comedians You May Not Have Heard Of

    The world of stand-up comedy is wider than the average person's hips during Thanksgiving. There are so many comedians trying to make their way in the field that they often get lost in the fray of the larger names, such as Louis C.K., Dave Chappelle, Aziz Ansari, etc. It's hard to compare to their comedic styles since their storytelling abilities are second to none.

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    Venice Beach Man Killed by Lightning Strike

    13 people were struck by lightning on Sunday in Venice Beach. One man, as of yet unidentified, was killed by the strike. Nine people were taken to a local hospital for observation, including a 15-year-old, with one remaining in intensive care.

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    Israel Strikes a UN School in Gaza, Kills at Least 15 Civilians

    The death toll in Gaza passed the 700 mark on Thursday as Israeli tanks shelled a UN-run school housing those who were taking shelter from the fighting, the Associated Press (AP) reports. As quoted from the AP, "Pools of blood soiled the school courtyard, amid scattered books and belongings. There was a large scorch mark in the courtyard marking the place where one of the tank shells hit."

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    Delta Airlines Suspends all Flights to Israel

    In light of the constant barrage of rockets between Israel and Gaza, some of which have come within a mile to hitting Ben Gurion International Airport, Delta Airlines suspended all flights to and from Israel. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) followed soon after, declaring a total ban on flights to Israel for at least 24 hours.

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    International Community Pleads for a Ceasefire in Gaza as Palestinian Death Toll Climbs

    The number of dead Palestinians in the current Israeli ground invasion of the Gaza Strip has reached 500 and continues to climb, say international humanitarian groups. The international community, including President Obama and Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

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    A Plan For Six Californias: 800,000 Signature Petition On Ballot in 2016

    California is massive, both in terms of economy and land size. Many are surprised, upon visiting the state, to find just how incredulously far it is to drive from the northern border of the state to the southern tip. The state also has one of the largest economies in the world, producing much of the USA's food and being home to Hollywood. With all that under consideration, why would anyone want to fracture the state?

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    Israel Invades Gaza: U.S. Urged Caution To Avoid Civilian Casualties

    On Thursday night in Gaza, Israel launched a ground offensive into the Palestinian territory after weeks of exchanging rocket fire with Hamas, the governing body and US-classified terrorist organization in Gaza.

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    Flight from Tel Aviv to New York Grounded

    Despite the worry about the persistent rocket attacks launched from the Gaza strip into Israel, New York-bound flight 469 was grounded due to wing flap malfunction rather than any external threat.

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    The Five Most Affordable Housing Markets in America

    Chances are that, if you're living in a big metro area on either coast in America, you're paying a lot of money for a little bit of space. Typically, this is done for the glamour of the city itself; after all, if one wishes to be an actor or some kind of performer, then the only real choices available are in New York or California. For everyone else, luckily (or unluckily) there are cities in America where the housing markets haven't quite recovered from the 2006-07 real estate bubble, and prices are valued at below fundamental asking prices.

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    Police Officer Pushes Over Wheelchair-Bound Paraplegic

    Police in Lafayette, Indiana have finally released a video taken in October of last year showing police Lieutenant Tom Davidson pushing over 25-year old paraplegic Nicolas Kincade. Kincade fell out of his chair and suffered abrasions to his face.

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    Cold War Rehashed: Germany Arrests a Double Agent

    In yet another bizarre turn in the ever-unraveling NSA spying scandal, German intelligence services have arrested a German intelligence officer for passing on top-secret documents to a foreign service for payment.

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