July 26, 2024 10:25 PM


Here's Why St. Basil's Cathedral is More Colorful Than Other Churches

Here's Why St. Basil's Cathedral is More Colorful Than Other Churches

You know, St. Basil's Cathedral stands out with its colors that trace back to Russia's vivid historical changes.


Moscow Offers Free Books On Planes and Trains

Anyone in Moscow right now will be able to enjoy free books on planes and trains as the Russian city launched the initiative of having virtual bookshelves on both transportations. Called 'A Book for a Trip,' it was started on December at different terminals around Moscow to offer travelers an insight as well as good reads from Russian literature when they're traveling.


Travel Tips: To Take Head-On An Expensive Vacation In Moscow

Moscow is one of the world's most expensive destinations. But after reading these five, you could say Russia is a bit more affordable than other destinations worldwide.


What Goes On In Oymyakon, The Coldest Place On Earth

Would you like to find out how on earth do they survive in the coldest inhabited place on earth at -72 degress Celsius? Read on.


An Inside Scoop of Russia's Extravagant, Hidden Metro Stations

There is no better way to turn a boring daily commute into extravagance than by creating wonderful metro stations that would take a jaded commuter from one place to the next. Moscow is home to one of the most luxurious train stations in the world and not many people know about it.


Five Fun Facts About Airplanes, Airports, And Flying You Would Surely Want To Know

There is indeed so much more about airplanes and airports we ought to know, here are five fun facts about airplanes, airports, and flying to keep in mind on your next flight.


Tinder Releases Paid-Feature Called 'Passport'; Start Singing Your 'Love Story' Ala Taylor Swift

Nowadays, you do not need to look for genie in a bottle in Middle East or a fairy god mother somewhere in France’s palaces to grant your wish. Your prince charming or your dream girl can be found in gadgets too.


Drunk Man Calls Police About False Bomb Threat To Stop Wife; Incident Causes Distress To Local Airport

A drunk man was arrested after claiming that one of the boarding planes of a local airport was rigged with explosives in order to stop his wife from attending her business trip.


A London To Tokyo Trans-Siberian Travel Is Now Closer To Reality

A train travel from London to Tokyo may soon be possible with Russia and Japan's meeting of linking the countries together via railway.


Winter Skating Wonderlands

Winter rolls around and the sleds and ice skates come out of storage. People of all ages wait patiently (or impatiently) for ponds to freeze over and the first heavy snow to fall. There is something enchanting about these winter activities, especially ice skating. Here are some unique skating rinks around the world to visit.


The Forgotten City of Russia: Suzdal

Trapped in the nineteenth century, Suzdal, is a small town on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia. In the late 1800s the railroad became an important factor in modernization and a definition of moving into the twentieth century. Cities that did not have the grace of having the train pass through essentially became forgotten. Those that did, saw the city grow and prosper as it was opened up to trade and travel. This small town of Suzdal, unfortunately did not convince the government in 1864 to have the would-be Trans-Siberian Railway pass through. And so this town never modernized and was left behind in the nineteenth century.


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