February 10, 2025 11:47 AM

Drunk Man Calls Police About False Bomb Threat To Stop Wife; Incident Causes Distress To Local Airport

Recently, a man from Kyrgyzstan caused distress to the security service of one of Kyrgyzstan's airport, claiming that there is a bomb threat in one of its departing planes, which then later on proved to be false.

According to the Daily Telegraph, Ilya Eremeev, age 30 years old, called the police on a Monday during the time his wife was about to leave for a business trip in Moscow, said a local police officer.

Eremeev told that police officer that there was an ongoing bomb threat in one of the planes in which his wife was about to board to, and the reason why he called was because he was concerned about his leaving wife's safety, according to iAfrica.com.

The illegal stunt which Eremeev had done caused the security services of the ex-Soviet country's Manas International Airport, which was also Kyrgyzstan's main airport, to evacuate all its passengers and cancel all its flights.

Eremeev only then claimed that the bomb threat was false when the stunt has already reached numerous international dignitaries, including the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, during a meeting about the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Eremeev was then arrested by the local police for the false threat and is being investigated, according to the BBC report.

According to Eremeev, he was under the influence of alcohol during the time he called the police about claiming a bomb threat.

According to the police, he may end up in prison for three years because of his false bomb threat stunt and may be indicated as an act of terrorism, if ever anyone would press charges against him.

Kyrgyzstan is a country which was once part of the Soviet Union, who faced and endured several challenges since its independence, has a population of utmost six million, with Manas International as its main airport.

Here's a video about the Manas International Airport:

Moscow, Shanghai
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