July 26, 2024 9:12 PM


You Should Visit The Witchery If You're Looking for a Unique and Exciting Stay in Edinburgh

The Witchery, located next to Edinburgh Castle, offers a unique stay with luxurious suites and a restaurant celebrating Scottish food heritage.


‘Avengers: Infinity War' Scotland Shoot Now Includes Captain America, While The Falcon Just Finished Wrapping Up His Scenes

"Avengers: Infinity War" already started its production two months ago and a big portion of the film will be shot in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Best Places In The World To Spend A Spectacular New Year's Eve

Celebrate New Year's Eve in a spectacular fashion and choose the places that best suits your personal preference.


Top Five Places In The UK Where You Can Celebrate Thanksgiving With Turkey And Pumpkin Pie

Five restaurants and bars in the United Kingdom where Americans can celebrate Thanksgiving and eat food perfect for Thanksgiving.


Hidden Paths and Gothic Architecture: A Guide to Edinburgh, Scotland

Scotland is filed with mystery and intrigue. Whether this feeling comes from literature or purely from the nature, is another topic. The capital city of Edinburgh is an old town filled with nooks and crannies to search. There are monuments, castles, churches, art, and outdoor sceneries for all people.


Winter Travel: Top 5 Ghost-Hunting Adventures in Edinburgh

Even as a native Scottish girl, Edinburgh is one of my favorite cities in the world. I never tire of it. A uniquely Gothic city with a grisly past, Edinburgh is the perfect city to visit if you're a fan of the supernatural.


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