May 2, 2024 10:55 PM

donald trump muslims

Air Flight Laptop Ban In Muslim-Majority Nations Begins

The U.S. government began the ban on laptops and other electronics larger than a cell phone on Tuesday morning from eight Muslim-majority nations, nine airlines, and ten airports. The new policy is a measure against terrorism that continues to target air flights and consumer technology for their attacks.


MoMA Honors Artists From Banned Countries In NYC

Artists are making a stand against Donald Trump's immigration ban with New York's Museum of Modern Art replacing paintings by Picasso and Matisse to honor painters hailing from the seven Muslim-majority countries listed by the law. The uneasiness of the law before implemented on Jan. 27, had left the curators to hang the paintings the night before.


How Five Companies Counter Trump’s Travel Ban

The recent uproar caused by Donald Trump over the controversial immigration ban had people weeping and clamoring for justice. World leaders also protested on what outcomes the new policy mean for world travel, businesses as well as the safety of each country.


Travel During The Trump Presidency: Cheap Airfare But Stricter Immigration Restrictions

Donald Trump's presidency can spell disaster for the travel and airline industry, amidst stricter immigration restrictions and falling prices. However, will the new president have some new policies to reverse this condition?


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