July 26, 2024 10:12 PM

best hotels london 2016

London Bed Tax Irritates Would Be Sleepers

Bloody hell, London's bed tax sparked ire among hoteliers calling the new policy as "absolute folly." About 2,100 hotels will be affected by London mayor Sadiq Khan's initiative which could add up as much as £3.40 per night to the recent cost.


2017's New & Exciting Hotels & Resorts In The World!

Save the opening month for the hotels and enjoy a trip to the hotels and enjoy a stay in the hotel as a destination. Happy travel in 2017.


Gin Hotel The Distillery To Open In London In December

Gin drinkers and cocktail lovers everywhere are going to be flocking to the UK to get the chance to experience this one-of-a-kind hotel for themselves. With everything from delicious drinks, the finest spirits, and the most luxurious rooms, this might just be your ideal vacation home.


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