July 26, 2024 9:58 PM


Work Room Four, Hanoi, Vietnam

These are the Art Spaces, Galleries That Art Lovers Should Visit in Hanoi

Hanoi is home to one of the most vibrant art scenes around the world


Switzerland Acts on Nazi-Looted Art, Pulls Monet and Van Gogh

Switzerland Acts on Nazi-Looted Art, Pulls Monet and Van Gogh

Switzerland's Kunsthaus museum examines Nazi-era claims on prized artworks by Monet and Van Gogh in the Emil Bührle Collection.


Take A Free Boat Ride Through New York In This Newly Redesigned Century-Old Fireboat

People in New York can take an hour-long ride in a dazzling boat created by artist Tauba Auerbach. The ship is part of the Public Art Fund Project and mirrors the boat art movement which happened during WWI.


Why Are There Giant Wooden Trolls In Chicago?

Those who have a thirst for adventures would absolutely love the Troll Hunt at The Morton Arboretum. The wooden creatures were created by Danish artist Thomas Dambo to carry an important environmental message.


If You’re Tired Of Traditional Galleries, Check Out The Tokyo Digital Museum

Step into a one of a kind experience of a borderless installation at teamLab’s Borderless exhibit in Mori Building Digital Art Museum in Japan. The dream-like installation is created by 470 projectors and 520 computers.


Artist Creates Colorful ‘Forest’ In Mexico Using Recycled Plastic

While sending an important message on saving the environment, Danish Artist Thomas Dambo honors garbage collectors in his ‘Future Forest.’ In this imaginative sight, people will be welcomed by colorful trees, flowers, and animals made from plastic waste.


Street Up Tours Launches Art Walks in Belgrade, Serbia

The art scene makes up the culture and identity of Belgrade. In one way, it has transformed some decadent objects through the past and paved way for the rising beat of artistry.


'Charging Bull' Is Mad At 'Fearless Girl' Statue For Violating Rights

"Charging Bull" creator Arturo Di Modica said that the "Fearless Girl" has violated his intellectual property rights by changing the message of his artwork.


The First Monument Of A Woman In Sofia Pops Up

One city in Bulgaria has no monument dedicated to women until one artist decided to place seven temporary colorful busts of the artist herself in pedestals to create the awareness of women empowerment. Sofia, Bulgaria's capital, has only monuments given to men in war, politics, and art.


Hitler's Painting To Be Displayed On Lombardy Museum

One painting exhibition in the Lombardy Museum wanted to explore the connection between art and insanity, and no other artists' works are better to be displayed than those of Adolf Hitler's. The art show, called "Museum of Madness," opened on March 11, showcases the late dictator's work of art alongside famous artists like Francisco de Goya and Francis Bacon.


New App Provides Access To Art Commentary To Museums

A mobile app has been deployed to the masses as a means to access more information about artworks in different museums around the world. Smartify provides art commentaries on your phone as it gets you to you to scan, identify and save art while also offering as a guide in any partner museum or gallery.


Lost Buildings Of Architect Frank Lloyd Wright To Be Restored

America will see to the restoration of the buildings made by their most beloved late architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The Frank Lloyd Wright Revival Initiative will rebuild Wright's demolished or unfinished projects starting with redeveloping the 1911 pavilion in the Canadian Rockies Banff, which was destroyed 30 years after its construction.


Pearl Harbor Boat Turns Into Diving Spot

A Pearl Harbor ship was saved from demolition and was revamped to become a premiere art and diving destination that will uphold history and develop more research platforms on the waters of Virgin Gorda.


Dublin's New Museum Features Poverty In The Country

The Dublin Tenement Museum plans to showcase the depressing side of poverty particularly in the worst slums in the UK and will be open to the public in mid-2017.


Ghana At 60 Years Sees The Growing Art Scene

In line with the celebration of Ghana's 60th year of independence, ANO, an art institution based in Accra will be opening its permanent space on March 4 to highlight the country's arts scene.


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