July 26, 2024 10:05 PM

animal rights

Taiwan Pioneers Banning Outrageous Consumption Of Dog And Cat Meat In Asia

Taiwan, China, South Korea and other Asian countries are known to serve dog and cat meat dishes in many restaurants. Taiwan leads the way to ban this outrageous trade and industry by introducing amendments that include severe punishments and higher fines for violators.


Poachers Shot Rare One-Horned Rhino In A World Heritage Site

The greater one-horned rhinoceros are now critically endangered, with only 3,500 of them left in the wild.


One Million Kangaroos Expected To Be Culled In Australia This Year

To protect endangered grasslands and wildlife, Australia will see to culling about one million kangaroos this year. Animal activists are baffled and angry at the same time with how Australia treated its animals despite defending that it's for the good of the environment.


Wild Bison Reintroduced To Banff National Park After 100 Years

About 16 wild bison were reintroduced last week to Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada's oldest national park, after more than a century of poaching and hunting that almost drove them to extinction. Park official considered the initiative successful as the animals are adapting well to their new environment.


Travelers Urged To Boycott Tortoise Shell Souvenirs

Animal welfare groups are calling on tourists to stop buying turtle products as it encourages poachers to kill more of the animals. Too Rare To Wear organization has seen Hawkbill turtles as one of the most exploited species of their kind in the world and found 90 percent of their population has been dwindling down through the years.


Protect Snow Leopards, Says Global Leaders

Twelve global leaders from snow leopard countries met in Kathmandu, Nepal to discuss the atrocities made against the big cats and lamented that only 4,000 of them are left in the wild. Last week, the Steering Committee of the Global Snow Leopard Ecosystem Protection program (GSLEP) tackled poaching and illegal trades in the northern borders of Asian mountains.


Travel Industry Must Review Elephant Attractions

Perhaps one can blame televisions or that one tourist destination who says it's alright for visitors to ride elephants. In reality, there's nothing worth more ignorant than a person wanting to ride the gentle animals that end up getting a good beat when the day ends.


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