February 16, 2025 01:07 AM

Girl Scout Sells Cookies Outside of Weed Dispensary in California

Girl Scouts of the USA! One of them happens to be very savvy when it comes to selling Girl Scout cookies. Danielle Lei, 13, stood outside of a marijuana dispensary in California to sell the beloved treats. It's no surprise sales went well.

Lei set up shop outside of the Green Cross marijuana dispensary in San Francisco and was able to sell 117 boxes of cookies within two hours.
Lei's mother, Carol said her daughter sold dozens more boxes of cookies outside of the dispensary than she sold at other locations. She even sold out of Dulce de Leches, Mashable reports.

Danielle and her older sister Nikki have sold cookies outside of medical marijuana clinics. Their parents think of it as a way for them to learn about the difference between using drugs for medical purposes and using them for recreation.

"You put it in terms that they may understand," Mrs. Lei told Mashable. "I'm not condoning it, I'm not saying go out in the streets and take marijuana."
The Green Cross is also happy about the new partnership. The staff members bought several boxes of the cookies. The Green Cross has even inivted her back to continue selling on February 22nd.

The Girl Scouts of Northern California also had no problem with Lei's tactics. They said that it is up to the parents where children sell the cookies.

"The mom decided this was a place she was comfortable with her daughter being at," Dana Allen, director of marketing and communications for Girl Scouts of Northern California, told Mashable. "We're not telling people where they can and can't go if it's a legitimate business."

While California may be chill about Lei's choice of sale spot, Girl Scouts of Colorado are not so cool with it. Some girl scouts have tried selling cookied outside of marijuana clinics in Colorado, where marijuana is now legal for recreational purposes.

"If you are wondering, we don't allow our Girl Scouts to sell cookies in front of marijuana shops or liquor stores/bars," Girls Scouts of Colorado tweeted.

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