February 16, 2025 01:01 AM

Check-Ins At Airbnb Homes With Smart Locks Are About To Get Much Easier

Without a doubt, locks are a form of inconvenience for home rental services such as Airbnb both for guests and hosts. Now, locks can be a thing of the past with a smart lock code.

The modern system is made possible by August's Smart Keypad, one of the company's Smart Locks. It can automatically make an entry code the moment a guest makes a reservation for a rental.

With the smart home company device, hiding locks in spaces, or waiting around to give the keys will not happen anymore because the modern lock system will make rental easier and more accessible for the guest.

About The Smart Lock

The code is equipped to adapt to changes such as the length of the guest's reservations which makes it possible for them not to wander around the room after their stay is done. Guests will receive an email on what kind of access the host provides.

To use the application, hosts just need to connect their August accounts and August App to their Airbnb listing. After, they will be offered three access options to offer to their guests. The access may be an authorization from the August phone app, a PIN code for an August Smart Keypad with one-touch locking, or a combination of the two methods.

The Smart Lock will also make it possible for hosts to authorize cleaning crews access to their properties at certain times. Additionally, it will also prevent former guests from walking in by using their keys.

Not Affiliated With Airbnb

A spokesperson form the company clarified to The Verge that Airbnb has not been consulted or endorsed by the company to their hosts. Although the smart lock company did not work with Airbnb for its new feature, it will still significantly make one's Airbnb experience better.

Airbnb also said that August is, unfortunately, using their brand to promote its new product without permission. Additionally, the spokesperson added that there have been other locks that are similar to the August Smart Keypad which has been available for some time.

Airbnb also asked to be removed from the smart home company's promotional video to signify that the company did not have any involvement in it. Furthermore, it violated Airbnb guidelines. However, the ad, which shows a couple failing to find the key to their Airbnb rental, is still on August's YouTube page.

Airbnb also has other similar offers with other smart locks. However, it is still considered a commendable update because it does not require overhauling the rental's existing locking system mechanism for it to function.

Security, Airbnb, Technology
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