February 15, 2025 11:51 AM

Southeast Asian Pick: Malaysia, Thailand, Or The Philippines?

Travel in Southeast Asia has become popular for the adventurous and free-spirited tourists throughout the modern era. This global region is currently considered as the backpacker's paradise. As of 2015, this area has the second highest number of international arrivals garnering a total of approximately 127.1 million visitors.

One of the most compelling reasons that draw tourists in this part of the world has a lot to do with the economical overall expenses. Travel in Southeast Asia is relatively cheaper than visiting the Mediterranean or Latin America. Another interesting draw about this global region is the alluring tropical climate, which makes the beaches of Southeast Asian countries a much cheaper alternative to the Caribbean destinations.

Although most Southeast Asian countries share almost the same climate, they pretty much differ greatly in terms of culture. Here are the three different countries to take note of anyone's next travel plan in this part of the world:

Malaysia. This archipelago is predominantly Muslim and a former British colony. Although the Malay ethnicity comprised its national heritage, this country has an overwhelming number of Chinese and Indian peoples occupying its demographics. Those who wish to visit Malaysia should venture out of Kuala Lumpur and explore other areas like Borneo, Penang, Malacca, Kota Kinabalu, Sarawak, Ipoh, and Perak.

Thailand. In this country, Buddhism suffuses almost all aspects of life. This country has a significant local Chinese presence, comprising a total of 14 percent of the entire Thai population as of 2012. Curiously, however, Thailand is also an important haven for 13th and 16th Century Japanese exiles. There is more to see for people who plan to visit Thailand than the glaring nightlife scene of Bangkok. Other key locations worth noting include Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Chiang Rai, Khon Kaen and Krabi.

Philippines. This archipelago identifies itself as predominantly Roman Catholic, but a significant Muslim presence is known in the southernmost parts of the nation. The Philippines was a former Spanish colony, but the United States held the most significant influence throughout the modern times. Ironically, outsiders who visit the Philippines would find the key tourist spots outside the capital city of Manila. These places include Palawan, Batanes, Cebu, Surigao, Davao, and Baguio.

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