February 11, 2025 19:11 PM

Pantone Color Institute Reveals 2017 Color Of The Year

Pantone Color Institute, a prominent figure in color strategy, has recently announced the 2017 color of the year. There have been suggestions and hints of the shade earlier this year, but, what is it actually?

The nearing 2017 is about greenery. Published on their website, Leatrice Eiseman, the Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, asserted that "Greenery bursts forth in 2017 to provide us with the reassurance we yearn for amid a tumultuous social and political environment. Satisfying our growing desire to rejuvenate and revitalize, Greenery symbolizes the reconnection we seek with nature, one another and a larger purpose."

Pantone has chosen greenery as the color for this year based on their analysis from social media and current events. Recently, green has been visible around. In a report, Pantone's Vice President, Laurie Pressman, said, "We're [even] looking at street art, animation, architecture, movies and headphones." She further added that, "The yellow-green color was largely picked because it represents rebirth and regeneration."

From this declaration, Pantone sets the mood for industries to consider their branding and marketing approach to convey the message. Businesses, most especially, in fashion have carried on with the yearly color trends. Pantone has established the Color of the Year effort since 2000. From this choice, the company also communicates the attempt to be one with nature as green embodies the environment.

As for color formula and shade combinations, Pantone suggests 10 color palettes that could be used for the good blends. These color palettes include pastels, neutrals, metallic and deeper shades.

What was your guess and preference? Are you ready to modify your fashion and update your accessories, clothes and bags? Be fresh, be lively and choose green.

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