February 13, 2025 10:06 AM

Toblerone New Look: Choolate Bar Brand Changes Its Look And Consumers Feel 'Cheated'

Toblerone just made a decision to change its iconic triangular chocolate chunks by adding more space in between and slimming down its peak. What do the consumers think? They actually do mind the gap. The Swiss chocolate bar is produced by Mondelez International and according to them, the redesign of the product was to reduce the weight of the 400g and 170g bars in the United Kingdom.

Of course, avid-fans of Toblerone did not take it well, with some describing the move as "the wrong decision," while the spacing looks "stupid" and other consumers felt "cheated," BBC reports. With sparked outrage due to this controversial move, the company released a statement on their website citing the rising cost of ingredients behind the gap and decrease in weight. The change on Toblerone's look was done to retain the affordability of the product, saying, "Toblerone remains one of the best value and most delicious Swiss chocolate products in the market. This is because we always work hard to ensure we offer value for money for our consumers, but like many other companies, we are experiencing higher costs for numerous ingredients.

"We carry these costs for as long as possible, but to ensure Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, we have had to reduce the weight of just two of our bars in the UK, from the wider range of available Toblerone products," Mirror published. The "newly improved" chocolate bars that sold in the U.K. now weighs 360g and 150g from the 400g and 170g bars respectively. However, price and packaging of the beloved product is still the same and will only be sold at British discount stores. Despite this, many people expressed their dismay on Toblerone's official Facebook account.

NY Times said, modifications on 400g Toblerone bar sold across Europe were less visible as compared to the ones in the U.K. Adding, Britain's economical issue has played a major role in their decision and the weakened value of Pound didn't help either. Toblerone was founded by Theodor Tobler, where its name came from and adding "torrone," the Italian word for nougat.

Facebook, United Kingdom, Britain, Uk, British, Europe, Brexit
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