The Scientific Basis of Meditation

Feb 14, 2014 10:28 AM EST

For centuries, yogis have known that the art of meditation have profound and countless benefits. Now, scientists are catching up with the method and are proving it.

Meditation is among the most crucial instruments in harnessing the power of the mind, cultivating true inner peace, clarity and ultimately, happiness.

Learning how to harness our brains in focusing our attention is the key to success at any endeavour.

Psychotherapist and author of Wise Mind, Open Mind, Dr. Ron Alexander tells of mind strength, or the emotional intelligence that arise as we begin to control our minds. Mind strength is one of the most important tools we can utilize to grow in life.

There are five major categories of brain waves, and each one of these explains why meditation works.

The 5 Categories of Brain Waves

1. The Gamma State: (30 - 100Hz) - This is the state of hyperactivity and active learning. Gamma state is the most opportune time to retain information.

2. Beta State: (13 - 30Hz) - This is the state where we function for most of the day. This is a state of the "working" or "thinking mind" -- analytical, planning, assessing and categorizing.

3. Alpha State: (9 - 13Hz) - This is the state when brain waves start to slow down out of thinking mind. This is when we feel more calm, peaceful and grounded. People will find themselves in this state after a yoga class, a walk in the woods, a pleasurable sexual encounter or during any activity that helps relax the body and mind.

4. Theta State: (4 - 8Hz) - this is the state when we are able to begin meditation. This is the point where the verbal/thinking mind transitions to the meditative/visual mind, and often when we start feeling drowsy.

5. Delta State: (1-3 Hz) - Tibetan monks have only reached this state after having been meditating for decades. Ordinary people can reach this final state during deep, dreamless sleep.

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