July 26, 2024 10:11 PM

US Travel Ban

Appeal Court's First Look At Revised Trump Travel Ban A 'Major Presidential Test'

The US Court of Appeals would review US President Donald Trump's executive order for the first time. The third revision of the order is said to focus on individuals entering the United States without a visa.


Americans Warned Against Traveling To Europe As They Are Likely Targets Of Terror Attack

US citizens are advised not to travel to Europe or continue to be vigilant as terror attacks in the country are abound according to the US State Department.


Trump's Travel Ban Poses An Economic Threat To Luxury Hotels

US President Donald Trump's travel ban is showing some signs of negative effects on the hotel industry. CEO of Marriot International said the travel bans are "not good, period."


Hawaii Sues Trump Administration Over Revised US Travel Ban

US President Donald Trump's US travel ban faces a legal challenge from Hawaii. Hawaiian Attorney General said the ban "only leaves the door open for further restrictions" and is only targetting immigrants and refugees "under the pretense of national security."


Lawmakers Want Americans To Apply For Visas To Enter Europe

Americans have failed to answer the EU's visa reciprocity, giving the latter the legal right to require visa for EU travel for the US. The US had recently required travelers from five east European countries to apply for a visa this year.


US Hotel CEOs 'Silently' Share Their US Travel Ban Sentiments

Hotel Chains -- particularly their CEOs -- have remained quiet as travel agencies and pro-US tourism organizations had voiced out their opposition against US President Donald Trump's travel ban. In a subtle manner, they have voiced out their own observations and opposition against it.


What You Need To Know About Trump's Revised Travel Ban

US President Donald Trump's executive order to ban seven Muslim-majority nations travel could see a revision submitted this week. According to observers, the new revision could exclude Green Card holders coming from the Muslim countries, but would still include the seven countries.


On Trump’s Travel EO: Ethiopian Airlines Still Does Well Amidst US Immigration Ban

The national flag carrier of Ethiopia is performing excellent financially even with the recent travel ban issued by US President Donald Trump. As their next step, they are eyeing Asia for their expansion.


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