July 26, 2024 9:32 PM

travel tips italy

How You Can Leave Your Mark On The Florence Cathedral Without Vandalizing It

Italy has been vigilant in protecting its historical sites from rowdy tourists who continually try to break in and vandalize the ancient location. But, now, the country welcomes travelers to vandal the Florence cathedral without defacing the building itself.


Italy’s Vagli di Sotto To Build A Statue Of Trump

Italy's Vagli di Sotto in the Tuscan hills is willing to spend $85,000 on crafting a statue of Donald Trump to bring in more tourists to the mountains. The marbled-Trump figure will be erected in the Park of Honor and Dishonor together with other famous marbled personalities.


Best Cruise Destinations In Italy For 2017; Learn The Cruise Ship Companies That Offer Them

Italy offers the some of the best destinations and port stops for a cruise. Learn more places to visit other than Rome and Bracelona and which cruises ship company will take you to such.


Travel Tips: The Best Places In Italy You Shouldn't Leave Out Of Your Itinerary

The cities of Italy eahc have their own wonders. Find out some of the best cities in Italy you should visit and discover.


When in Rome! 5 Customs & Etiquette in Italy

Italy is one city well respected for its culture, history and its customs. While in the city, tourists need to keep in mind certain etiquette to be far from becoming offensive.


“What Fettuiccine?” 5 Important Food Rules for Tourists in Italy

Believe it or not, Italian food culture is very different from how say, Americans eat Italian food while in their country. In fact, there are certain rules tourists may want to keep in mind when they find themselves in Italy, about to step into a restaurant.


“Just Traveled!” 5 Honeymoon Destinations in Italy

Newlyweds deserve the most romantic honeymoon possible. Now that happily ever after has begun, it’s high time to celebrate it in one of the best romantic getaway countries in the world: Italy.


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