July 26, 2024 9:11 PM

airbus a380

Airbus A380: World's Largest Passenger Aircraft Gets Bigger And Better With Extended Wing Span

The considered world's largest commercial jet could even get bigger as Airbus considers of extending the wing span of Airbus A380.


Qantas Passenger Faces Jail Time After Trying To Open Plane Door Mid-Flight At 39,000 Feet

A man tried to open the emergency exit door of a Qantas plane while in flight.


Creative Contrast: World's Largest Plane To Fly Shortest Route Ever

The world’s largest commercial aircraft, behemoth Airbus A380, has the capacity of 544 passengers with a distance of 15,200km, according to The Telegraph. The largest Emirates plane will take a short travel from Doha to Dubai with a distance of 378 kilometers by next month.


Ultra-Long Haul Flying Takes Off – The World’s Newest Longest Flight

Ultra-long-haul flights are extremely expensive to operate, and depend on relatively cheap oil for profitability. But just last week, Air India claimed it had launched the world's longest flight — though this was purely thanks to its choice of routing.


A Double-Decker Plane and Airbus “Family Flight” Showcased Incredible Aerial Formation

An incredible set of multi-million dollar Airbus planes soared to the sky into an astounding formation exhibiting an excellent piloting skills.


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