July 26, 2024 9:10 PM


Airbus A380: World's Largest Passenger Aircraft Gets Bigger And Better With Extended Wing Span

The considered world's largest commercial jet could even get bigger as Airbus considers of extending the wing span of Airbus A380.


Emirates Currently In Discussion Of Purchasing 20 More Superjumbo Jets

Airline company Emirates is currently discussing on purchasing 20 more Airbus SE A380 superjumbo jets.


'Foot Locker' Concept Wins Airbus Competition, Invention Could Solve Overhead Compartment Problems

The winning entry from Team DAELead in the Airbus "Fly Your Idea" competition could potentially solve the problem with the plane's overhead compartment. The invention is a pop-up locker located under the aircraft's seat.


Airbus Launches 25-Seater A330neo Private Jet, Features Conference Room And Dining Area

The Airbus Corporate Jet has made the A330neo private jet available. The plane can carry 25 passengers and has a customizable cabin where a private office, bedrooms, bathrooms, and a conference room can be placed.


Qantas Passenger Faces Jail Time After Trying To Open Plane Door Mid-Flight At 39,000 Feet

A man tried to open the emergency exit door of a Qantas plane while in flight.


Airbus To Create Self-Flying Taxi In 2017

Airbus has launched a division in their company called the Urban Air Mobility last 2016 to explore the possibility of self-flying vehicles.


Airbus A350 News: One Of The Biggest Airplanes In The World Makes Its First Flight

One of the biggest commercial airplanes in the world, the A350 by Airbus has just managed its first flight. The air giant will be delivered for use to Qatar Airways.


No More Airsickness, Jetlag, Dirty Bathrooms With New Aircraft Technology

Flying makes many people sick and in many different ways. From the fear of turbulence, dizziness, jetlag, and stiff neck, many air-related maladies are now being solved by new aircraft innovations.


Germany Launches World's First Fuel Cell Plane

Last September 29, Thursday, German aircraft engineers successfully carried out a 10-minute test flight at the Stuttgart Airport, Southwestern Germany. The flight, involving two real human pilots and two dummy passengers lasted up in the air for about 10 minutes.


A Double-Decker Plane and Airbus “Family Flight” Showcased Incredible Aerial Formation

An incredible set of multi-million dollar Airbus planes soared to the sky into an astounding formation exhibiting an excellent piloting skills.


Airbus Patents 'Removable Cabin' to Shorten Boarding Time

With the aim of making boarding easier and faster, Airbus has patented an interesting and revolutionary cabin module that can be detached from the plane. Passengers will no longer have to line up to board the plane. Instead, the removable cabin will be transported like shipping containers into a ship.


Airbus Gets Certification for the A320neo

The European Aviation Safety Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States have jointly approved the A320neo model of Airbus. The A320neo is an upgrade from the airbus family. It is reported to be more fuel-efficient. Qatar Airways is set to be the first one to receive the deliveries of the planes.


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