July 26, 2024 10:14 PM

Airbnb mobile app

Airbnb Buys Payment Startup Tilt

Airbnb revealed today that it bought the social payment startup Tilt as what reports says to be an acquihire to expand Airbnb's travel services for customers further. The company targets to keep Tilt's app functional and retain most of the employees in the acquisition.


Why Do Celebrities Choose Airbnb For Vacation?

Airbnb is the current hottest rental mobile app in the market now. Apparently, celebrities also patronize it! Considering they spent thousand dollars a night, although it's a wonder why they liked it so much.


Airbnb 'Experience' Lets Travelers Share Passions With Hosts

The company launched the "Trips" program that lets travelers book activities in the local community where they are going to stay.


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