February 15, 2025 15:20 PM

Chris Brown Arrested for Assault: Singer Faces His Third Probation Violation In a Year

Troubled singer Chris Brown and a bodyguard were arrested on Sunday and charged with felony assault, according to the Washington Metropolitan Police Department and reported by CNN.

Brown is still serving probation for the felony domestic violence conviction he received in 2009 after he attacked then girlfriend Rihanna.

The arrest came after Brown and Christopher Hollosy allegedly attacked a man outside the W Hotel in downtown Washington around 4:25 a.m. on Sunday, according to police. CNN obtained the police report, which identified the alleged victim as Isaac Adams Parker, 20, of Beltsville, Maryland.

"I'm not down with that gay s-t" and "I feel like boxing," Brown said according to the police report, after Parker tried to jump into a photo with the singer. Parker said that Brown then punched him in the face with a closed fist, according to the police report.

Brown's bodyguard, who is six-foot-five and 240 pounds, stepped between them and punched Parker in the face, according to the report.

Both Brown and his bodyguard were taken into custody and were being held at the Second District police station, before being transferred to a central jail block for processing.

Parker was treated at the hospital and then released, according to Anthony Clay, a police spokesman who spoke to CNN.

Brown is serving probation in California, and any arrest could be considered a violation of that parole, which could then lead to jail time. Prosecutors have already filed two violations charges against Brown in the last year, resulting in an order to complete an additional 1,000 hours of community service. One of the violation involved not completing the 1,400 hours that he was sentenced to do in Virginia. Brown was then accused of a hit-and-run after a fender bender, where the driver of the other car said Brown "went ballistic" and screamed at her.

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