February 10, 2025 11:24 AM

Racist Sorority Photo: Penn State's Chi Omega Sorority Under Investigation [PHOTO]

A sorority at Penn State is under scrutiny and investigation after a racist theme party photo was posted on the internet. The photo is of the sorority posed at a Mexican themed party held by Chi Omega sorority and Yahoo News states it was taken around Halloween. In the photo the women are dressed stereotypically in sombreros and fake mustaches. A few are holding offensive signs that say, "Will mow the lawn for weed and beer" and "I don't cut grass I smoke it."

The photo was posted on both Facebook and Tumblr. Yahoo News reported that the president of Penn State's Chi Omega sorority confirmed to the Daily Collegian that their sorority is under investigation and she said, "Our chapter of Chi Omega sincerely apologizes for portraying inappropriate and untrue stereotypes. The picture in question does not support any of Chi Omega's values or reflect what the organization aspires to be."

The Daily Mail reports that the alternative student blog, Onward State was the first to spot the photo. The blog states that Penn State's Greek Life director Dr. Roy Baker and other officials have been in discussions about punishment for the sorority.

Cesar Sanchez Lopez who is vice president of the Mexican American Student Association said according to The Daily Mail that the stereotypes were untrue and offensive while other students put up posters outside the school's Frat and Sorority Life offices that said, "Racial insensitivity - brought to you by Chi Omega" and 'We are racist... Chi Omega," reported the Daily Mail.

Penn State's Panhellenic Council executive board said in a statement to the Daily Collegian, "We are addressing the situation immediately with the members of the chapter in conjunction with their national headquarters."

Lisa Powers who is the director of public information at Penn State said to Yahoo News in a statement, "This photo has been brought to our attention, and we have looked into the issue."

"These costumes and this group do not represent fraternity and sorority life at Penn State, nor the 95,000 students who attend our university. The Chi Omega sorority sisters have expressed deep remorse over this incident," she added to Yahoo News.

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