February 13, 2025 10:55 AM

File Sharing Site MegaUpload 2.0 Delayed, But Will Re-Emerge Soon Enough According To Kim Dotcom's Update

MegaUpload 2.0 was supposed to be launched a few days ago, but there have been some issues, which prevented it from successfully re-establishing itself. The once popular file sharing site will have to "destroy" some roadblocks first before re-emerging.

Over the weekend, TorrentFreak reported Kit Dotcom's update regarding the return of one of the most popular sharing site. However, MegaUpload 2.0 plans have been halted due to some issues, which prevented it from actually launching last week. However, the "roadblocks" were expected according to Kim.

"It is unlikely that we can make a full January 20th launch happen. The fund-raising was delayed and the legal team needed more time for the new setup. But we will reveal more details about Megaupload 2 and Bitcache on that special day," - Kim Dotcom told TorrentFreak earlier last year.

Jan. 20th came and the problem eventually took place, stunting the return of the site. The supposedly return of MegaUpload 2.0, according to KitGuru, got delayed for an undetermined timeframe. Kim, however, assures that the problem will be taken care of, regardless of not specifying the cause behind it.

Still, the man behind MegaUpload 2.0 made a promise to the fans and long-time users of the site regarding an update. This is scheduled to take place on Jan. 24. This will also cover the Bitcache issue along according to his Tweet.

However, those who have used the first MegaUpload will find the next iteration of the site quite different. It will now be associated with Bitcache, which will be used for sharing and storing files with the use of bitcoin transactions. MegaUpload 2.0 will also use third party file storage sites with a separate encryption through Bitcache.

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