October 27, 2024 22:22 PM

6 Thanksgiving Festivals Around the World

Thanksgiving, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, began in the fall of 1621, when Pilgrims praised their first effective wheat crop. The occasion has since to advance into a day in which bickering families and tipsy friends assemble to consume massive amounts of turkey, pureed potatoes, and pumpkin pie, before relaxing for quite a long time in front of the TV or battling strangers during midnight Black Friday deals. Here, a look at other agriculturally-based festivals around the globe:

Canadian Thanksgiving

Neighbours toward the north really observed Thanksgiving before Pilgrims even arrived in Plymouth, Mass. When adventurer Martin Frosbisher landed in Newfoundland, Canada, in 1578, he celebrated with a small feast to express appreciation for his safe arrival to the New World, an occasion that is presently honored by contemporary Canadians on the second Monday of October. The prior date is because of the way that Canada's Thanksgiving is more adjusted to European harvest celebrations, which generally happen in October. In addition, Canada is more distant north, which implies its harvest season closes sooner than America's. But other than the date, the festivals are largely similar, with families gathering around tables piled high with turkey, pies and stuffing.

China's Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

China's Mid-Autumn Moon Festival is like American Thanksgiving which is a period for family and loved ones to commend the end of the harvest season with a giant festivity. It is one of the most observed Chinese occasions, and is held on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, around September or October on the Gregorian timetable. According to legend, the moon is at its brightest and roundest on this day, and may motivate renewed friendship or romance. The celebration's traditional food is the moon cake, a flaky pastry full with either sugary or savory filling.

Korea's Chuseok

This day of thanks in late September and early October is one of Korea's three noteworthy occasions. It's a period for families to share food and stories, and pay regards to their descendants. Along with an extensive feast produced using the fresh harvest, the major traditional dish is Songpyeon, glutinous rice plied into little cakes and loaded with red beans, chestnuts, or different fixings. The feast is laid out in honor of the departed, and the family is permitted to dig into the tasty bounty only after a memorial service, for the most part, a trip to the cemetery.

Liberian Thanksgiving

The Liberian Thanksgiving takes its motivation directly from the American rendition, which isn't shocking given that Liberia was established in the nineteenth century by unrestricted slaves from the U.S. They carried with them a number of the traditions they learned in the New World, including Thanksgiving; however they eat pounded cassavas rather than pureed potatoes, and jazz up their poultry with a little spice. The Liberian Thanksgiving is praised on the first Thursday in November.

Ghana's Homowo Festival

This yam harvest festivity in Accra, a seaside region of Ghana, is intended to recognise a time of famine in the Ga individuals' history. "Homowo" signifies "hooted at hunger," which is the thing that their ancestors did in the face of famine, before getting the opportunity to work cultivating the area for food. Today, the celebration happens around harvest time in the middle of May and August.

The Jewish Feast of the Tabernacles

Sukkot is the third of the Jewish pilgrimage celebrations, taking after Passover and Shavuot. All three mark diverse stages of the harvest, with Sukkot signifying its end. It is generally celebrated outside the home in makeshift cottages, a typical indication of the temporary dwellings Israelites occupied during their travel over the desert.

Thanksgiving Day
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