Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume has recently been revealed by "Batman v Superman" director Zack Snyder at Comic-Con 2014. The first official photo of Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume, if anything, is definitely stunning. Not only is it badass, but the well thought out costume seems akin to a description of the type of character Gadot will be portraying in the movie.

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume was released during the Comic-Con 2014 in San Diego by production company Warner Bros. and director Snyder. According to Geek Tyrant, it is the first official image of Gadot as Wonder Woman in the forthcoming "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" film.

According to Indie Wire, the promotion for the film only lasted a total short span of ten minutes. However, the details revealed by Warner Bros. during their kick off in the Hall H Comic-Con Panel, which included Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume, was suffice to say, pretty awesome. Fans were given just the right amount of footage to keep them excited for the film's showing, but left out from other details to have them remain at the edge of their seats.

Indie Wire detailed the event as consisting of three main elements - when Snyder appeared onstage to reveal photos including Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume; when Ben Affleck who plays Batman, Henry Cavill who plays Superman, and Gadot joined Snyder onstage; and when they showed an extremely brief teaser reel from the movie.

After Snyder posted a picture of Israeli actress Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume on Twitter while at the San Diego Comic-Con yesterday, his 196,000 followers were ecstatic. The photo portrays Gadot as a leather-clad Wonder Woman. His kickass thing high boots were paired with a sword. She is standing in the midst of an active volcano relentlessly spewing ash everywhere.

Wonder Woman is known for her iconic red, blue, white and gold outfit, but this new Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume is a clear departure from the old. Apparently, Snyder is trying to take on a new and possibly improved woman superhero.

As The Independent describes it, the new image of Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume seems more like a still from Spartan film "300", a film which is included in Snyder's directorial repertoire as well.

To date, playing the role of Wonder Woman in "Batman v Superman" is Gadot's biggest one. The actress is best known for her character Gisele Harabo in "The Fast and the Furious" franchise.

When compared to the "Man of Steel"  and "The Dark Knight" trilogy, the new film by Snyder provides an even darker take on the DC Comics superheroes, reports The Independent. The new film appears to be veering away from the flashy tone in the comic book and colourful film characters depictions.

Along with Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume, the brief teaser trailer from the upcoming "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" film gave the slightest but equally exciting snippets to fans.

In the short teaser trailer, Batman appears under a rainy Gotham. He turns on the Bat-Signal, but is met with a Superman with glowing red eyes, flying in the air and blocking the light. The enticing trailer ends as both superheroes glare at each another, appearing as if about to begin a magnanimous fight.

While the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume had geeks and nerds minds blown off at Comic-Con 2014, it appears that the teaser footage was the highlight of the whole ten-minute event.

Geek Tyrant described the 6,000 fans in Hall H as having 'an intense geek frenzy of awesomeness.'

Watch the short teaser trailer here.

When the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer was over, everyone in Hall H reportedly cheered at the top of their lungs.

The Warner Bros. panel is two hours long, said Indi Wire, and the quick tease in that two-hour episode was to appease fan cravings.

Below are collected tweets with images showing what fans were treated to during the convention.

The summer 2016 movie "Shazam" was also confirmed to cast Dwayne Johnson as Captain Marvel.

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is a sequel to 2013's "Man of Steel."

According to The Independent, amongst the stellar cast included in the film are Amy Adams from "American Hustle" playing Lois Lane, "The Social Network's" Jesse Eisenberg playing super villain Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons as Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred and Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, the Daily Planet's editor.

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume is only one of the things to watch out for the film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", set to be released in the summer of next year, May 2016.