Travel Safety Tips for the Female Solo Wanderer

Dec 04, 2014 10:56 PM EST

Solo traveling is one of the surest ways to reconnect with yourself and build relationships on the road that you could have not done if you are with a group.  But despite the thrill solo traveling offers, it is also effective in luring yourself to danger.  For female solo travelers, the more important question should be: is solo traveling gender bias?  Below are some travel safety tips every female traveler should bear in mind.

Always present yourself unavailable.  There is a common misconception that female solo travelers are single and are ready for a short-lived romantic affair on the road.  Prioritize your safety by wearing a wedding ring.  Whether you are really married or not, the point is not to attract indecent proposals from the opposite sex.

If possible, tag along with a buddy.  The beauty of solo traveling is you decide when you want to have a companion.  If you are visiting an unfamiliar territory and your instinct tells you that danger looms around, it is best to hook up with a fellow traveler.  Not only that you have an additional layer of protection but you can also incur savings on other costs.

As a general rule, do not wear provocative clothing unless you are going for a swim.  Some cultures are tolerant of liberal way of dressing up, while others are conservative.  To conserve your energy in choosing what to wear, stick to what is generally accepted.

Take flights or road trips in the morning.  The idea is not to arrive at the destination during nightfall when chances of getting robbed are higher.  When taking public transport from the airport, try your best to ride registered cabs so you can take advantage of regulated fares.

Avoid going out after sunset.  Unless it is an emergency or you will be eating out, do not wander on the road at nighttime.  Besides, tourist spots operate on specific time blocks.

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