July 26, 2024 9:11 PM


Australian Government Executes Lower ‘Backpacker Tax’; Coalition Eyeing To Drop Rate To 15 Percent

A proposed new "backpacker tax" which is lower than the government's original plan for a 32.5 percent rate will help to increase number of visitors in the country.


Airbnb News: Know How The Online Marketplace Helps Unite Travellers And Cities Around the Globe

Airbnb is continuously serving travellers around the world. It was welcomed in most countries due to its collaborative method. The company is communicating with the local officials and starts making plans for the betterment of the community.


Law of Mother Earth makes Bolivia Best Country in the World

Bolivia's Law of Mother Earth, is the first of law to recognize the earth as a living breathing organism with inherent rights


A New Breed of Mile High-ers

With changing laws regarding possession of marijuana in Colorado and Washington in effect, airports are figuring out ways to dissuade passengers from taking their goods on board, while passengers are figuring out the regulations which can vary from airport to airport.


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