July 26, 2024 10:20 PM

british airways

British Airways Says It Could Distribute A ‘Digital Pill’ That Monitors Passenger Health and Happiness

A new technological breakthrough is paving the way for new air travel practices. Could a digestible pill be the future of medicine, health monitoring, and travel?


British Airways To Establish The Fastest WIfi Available On The Air

British Airways is planning to establish a fast Wifi connection on their aircrafts starting this 2017.


British Airways Update: Airline Giant Shrinks Seat Space And Squeeze More Passengers Per Flights

British Airways is planning to “squeeze” economy passengers as it plans to add an extra 52 seats to its Boeing 777s at Gatwick from 2018. Travelers who are frequent cheap-seat flyers of the airline giant will find they have less space. Their nine British Airways 777 will have 10 seats each row starting 2018


All Airlines Should Provide These Things to Long-Haul Flights Passengers

Express shares the things every airline should provide to their passengers on long-haul flights.


Qatar Airways Set Up Revenue-Sharing Deal With British Air

Qatar Airways strengthened its ties to British Airways owner International Airlines Group (IAG) with plans to have a revenue-sharing business partnership that will take effect on October 30.


British Airways Drops Complimentary Meals On Short-Haul Flights

British Airways is no longer serving complimentary food menu on short-haul flights, instead the airline will sell Marks & Spencer meals.


British Airways Permits Gadget Use During Take Off and Landing

Following the updated flight regulations done by the European Aviation Safety Agency, British Airways takes the lead in allowing flyers to use their handheld gadgets during take off and landing.


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