July 26, 2024 10:25 PM

Articles by Ty Miranda

  • · Leisure

    Don't Miss Fracture Prune's Custom Donuts

    Feeling like your corner donut shop is not giving you what you want? Why not head to Fractured Prune, a shop letting you customize tasty donuts. You can choose glazes, toppings, or pick house classics. Fractured Prune is a great place to stop before you hit the road for vacation or a quick stop for a snack.

  • · Leisure

    New Cereal Killer Cafe in London

    If you have an obsession with cereal, know that you are not alone. No really, you are not thanks to the new Cereal Killer Cafe in London. Serving up a variety of milk, cereal, and toppings, the Cereal Killer Cafe is a new hot spot for a unique dining experience.

  • · Travel Tips

    Netflix is a Great Travel Companion

    Netflix is a way of life these days. Not only can you watch Gossip Girl anytime, but you can also check out Netflix originals like Orange is the New Black. If you are preparing to go traveling, you may think you should stop your subscription for while you are away. But, Netflix is now perfect for your travels.

  • · Travel Tips

    Top 5 Worst Things To Forget While Traveling

    It always happens to someone. Forgetting a travel essential can cause stress and make traveling even more difficult. If you do forget one of these things, remember to remain calm and try to use some these tips.

  • · Travel Tips

    Avoid Being the "Stereotypical American"

    While traveling, it is easy to slip into your American ways. However, some actions may cause internationals to criticize Americans. Want to avoid being the stereotypical "American" while abroad? Try to use some of these tips.

  • · Leisure

    Looking for a Burger in DC? Try Burger, Tap, and Shake

    Set in the American capitol, BTS (Burger, Tap, and Shake) is the stop for anyone looking for burgers, taps and shakes. With a quaint atmosphere and cheap food, BTS is a great local stop for anyone visiting or living in Washington D.C.

  • · Travel Tips

    Traveling is a Great Test for Relationships

    Traveling with your significant other can be a great test for a relationship. You get to spend quality time together, while problem solving and managing stress. If you are looking to take your relationship to the next level, try traveling with the person for more than two weeks to see if you are both ready for more.

  • · Leisure

    LA's Historic Pink's Hot Dogs

    A visit to LA is not complete without a visit to Pink's Hot Dog stand. Located on Melrose, in the heart of LA, Pink's Hot Dog has been serving loaded hot dogs since 1939. They have served the stars and continue to serve locals and tourists all year long.

  • · Leisure

    Top 5 Places to Grab Brunch in Sydney

    Whether it is a way to get over a hangover or you just want to spend some time with friends, brunch is always a great option in the city of Sydney. Check out these five spots to get some tasty breakkie in the Australia hotspot.

  • · Leisure

    Ready to escape Bangkok? Try Going to Pai

    If you are walking around Bangkok wondering if this is all that Thailand has to offer, then you need to take a trip to Pai. Not on the itineraries of most western travelers, Pai is a place full of character and will give you a unique perspective on the Thai life that you will not get in the southern cities.

  • · Leisure

    Sunshine Destination for the Holidays: Darwin, Australia

    If you are tired of shoveling snow or just sick of the cold, maybe it is time to think about spending the holidays somewhere warm. Darwin is a small town in Northern Australia that offers beaches, culture, and best of all 90 degree temperatures.

  • · Travel Tips

    Top 5 Ways to Stay Organized While Traveling

    Traveling can be a headache sometimes. But, it can be even worse when you are digging through your bag and trying to find one slip of paper that you need. Staying organized is extremely important while traveling and here are five ways that can help you.

  • · Top 5

    Top 5 Holiday Gifts for Travelers

    The holidays are just around the corner, and you may be wondering what to buy your fellow traveler. Space is a virtue to travelers so give them something that they will find very useful. Here is a list of the top 5 holiday gifts for travelers.

  • · Leisure

    German Christmas Markets: A Must See This Holiday Season

    There is no place like Germany for Christmas Markets. Yes, Paris has the Champs-Élysées and London has Winter Wonderland, but there is no place that has the variety and quantity. Be cautions however, German hostels book up quickly and bus tickets increase in price around this time of year. If you are planning on visiting the markets, book early and read this guide.

  • · Travel Tips

    To Expats, Celebrate Thanksgiving

    Traveling and working abroad is difficult around the holidays. You start thinking about grandmas' broccoli casserole and your aunt's weird cocktail creations. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the friends and family in your life, but it also can make any expat feel homesick.

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