February 14, 2025 09:55 AM

Plane Crash in Nepal Kills All 18 Aboard

It's everyone's worst nightmare. Turbulence usually kicks it off a stark reminder that we shouldn't be flying at 10,000 feet above sea level. Tough aviation fatalities are uncommon, about 1 in according to Arnold Barnett, a professor of statistics at M.I.T., they still scare the hell out of us, and for 18 people on a small Twin Otter plane in Nepal this sunday, that nightmare became a reality.

The BBC reported that, Contact with the Nepal Airlines plane, which was carrying mostly Nepali passengers and crew as well as one Dane, was lost after it took off from the resort town of Pokhara on Sunday.

The plane wrecked into a hillside and was later found monday, near the western district of Arghakhanchi.

Many argue that Nepalise airlines keep their planes in poor condition. An airline spokesman said engineers had refurbished the plane in recent weeks, leaving it in "good condition" though there's no telling what the benchmark for 'good condition' may be.

Since the first plane landed in the country in 1949, there have been more than 70 plane and helicopter accidents, killing more than 700 people, according to reports from BBC News.

The famouse mountain climber and first man to summit Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary lost his wife to a plane crash near Katmandu, inspiring him to pursue philanthropy work, renovating airlines and improving infrustructure such as land pads.

Nepal, Plane
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