February 11, 2025 09:42 AM

Five Things You Need To Know About Holi Festival In India

India's annual "Holi" or "Many Colors" Festival is more than just a display of beauty. The festival is part of its cultural tradition and religion that celebrates Hinduism, and even a bit more. There are five things travelers could find interesting other than the outward beauty the festival is known.

As a religious and cultural tradition, The Indian Holi Festival starts after early March or "the day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna." According to Religion Facts, it is a lesser religious day but it has India's environmental sentiments as it celebrates spring and the God Krishna's "playfulness" towards others by splashing them with water -- scented water in this celebration.

Huffington Post encourages all Holi Festival Travelers to be in a "merrymaking" mood. Religion Facts supplements this as the festival is the celebration of spring and a time to "disregard social norms" as per Hindu tradition. Huffington Post adds that travelers should prepare extra clothing and determine early their location during the celebration because the second day does not guarantee mobility due to huge crowds.

Despite the beauty of colors and the celebrating of Krishna's playfulness as part of Indian Hinduism, Smithsonian.com points out that the celebration itself has historical meanings. India's slavery by Western countries saw two "blue mutinies" almost a hundred years ago, according to the magazine, the second being Mahatma Gandhi's civil disobedient movement.

Smithsonian.com also says the colors have their own specific Hindu spirituality connotations. "Blue" is a symbol of the Hindu Gods' spiritual complexity. Green represents nature and celebration. The post further points to other colors as of political, civil and economic significance, such as Yellow representing the caste system, making for an interesting and insightful read.

Lastly, travelers are advised to be cautious during their stay. Celebrations can get carried away and one's belongings should always be kept in check. Bring only the essentials, including a specific amount of money. As with any huge gatherings there are always those ready to pounce at travelers at any time.

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