January 13, 2025 12:03 PM

J.K. Rowling Talks about Harry and Snape on Twitter

Just after the news broke that our beloved childhood hero, Harry Potter, will have a sequel, J.K. Rowling broke the internet again by answering a fan question over the micro-blogging site, twitter.

Fans have been asking Rowling why Harry named one of his sons Severus Snape when all throughout the Harry Potter series, all Professor Snape did was bully Harry.

@FrazzyJazzy7 asks Rowling over twitter, "Why did you pick Snape to name Harry's kid after? I'm genuinely curious as he was nothing but abusive towards everyone."

Rowling tweeted back, "Snape died for Harry out of love for Lily. Harry paid him tribute in forgiveness and gratitude."

Right after Rowling tweeted that, the internet exploded with thousands of tweets, shares, likes, and more debate about whether Snape was good or evil.

@PatronusMalec reacted "but he was still a bully, right? Doing right by Harry doesn't take away all the horrible things he did.."

Where twitter user @tookishbeaver reacted, "Snape wasn't that horrible compared to other villains like Umbridge"

Rowling added that, "There's a whole essay in why Harry gave his son Snape's name, but the decision goes to the heart of who Harry was, post-war."

"Snape is all grey. You can't make him a saint: he was vindictive & bullying. You can't make him a devil: he died to save the wizarding world"

Other Potterheads think that the honor should have been given to other Harry Potter characters who made great sacrifices for him.

@DanielJayMmmm tweeted, ""Dobby" would have been a smashing middle name.."

@RebelPotter said, "Remus died for Harry too, though. And he never abused him."

@SEVERASSSNAPE added, "why didn't Harry name any of his children after Hagrid? He was a great father figure as well as friend"

Rowling reacted to all the tweets with appreciation to all her followers all throughout the years.

"I've got to say this: you lot have been arguing about Snape for years. My timeline just exploded with love & fury yet again. Never change x," Rowling tweeted.

Harry potter, J.K. Rowling
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