Six Travel Hacks for an Affordable Luxury Weekend Trip

Dec 12, 2022 09:43 AM EST
(Photo : Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash)

If you love to travel but find that your budget doesn't always allow for it, you're not alone. Luckily, a few simple hacks can help you save money without sacrificing luxury. With these tips, you'll be able to enjoy a weekend getaway without breaking the bank.

Plan you travel itinerary with a trip planner

Finding the best hotel deals and organising your perfect itinerary for the trip can be time-consuming and complicated, that's why we recommend using a professional trip planner as a 'one stop shop' for finding not only the best hotels at your destination, but also to plan the perfect experience from start to finish. This can not only save you time, but it can also be an extremely cost-effective way to do things verse booking all the elements separately.

Pack light

This one may seem obvious, but it's worth noting because every pound you don't have to check saves you money. Most airlines charge $25 or more for each checked bag, so every pound counts. Try to limit yourself to carry-on luggage only to avoid these fees entirely. And if you must check in a bag, ensure it's under the weight limit to avoid incurring additional charges. Not only does this save money on checked baggage fees, but it can also make for a more enjoyable trip. After all, who wants to lug around a heavy suitcase when they could be exploring their surroundings?

Search for discounts in advance

Before heading out on your trip, research online to see if any discounts are available for activities in the city you're visiting. Many museums and attractions offer reduced prices or even free admission days if you plan your visit in advance and take advantage of these deals.

Use public transportation

Once you've arrived at your destination, take advantage of its public transportation system instead of opting for taxis or ride-sharing services everywhere you go. Public transportation is typically cheaper than taxis everywhere, but it's also a great way to see more of the city and experience it like a local. 

Eat like a local

One of the best ways to save money while travelling is to eat where the locals eat instead of opting for tourist traps with inflated prices. Not only will this save you money, but it'll also give you a more authentic experience as you'll get to try foods that are genuinely representative of the culture you're visiting. To find out where the locals eat, do a quick search online or ask someone working at your hotel or hostel for recommendations.   

Shop at local markets

In addition to eating like a local, another great way to save money while travelling is to shop at local markets for souvenirs instead of purchasing them from tourist traps. Plus, haggling is often expected in these types of markets, so don't be afraid to negotiate and get the best price possible. 

Final thoughts

By following these tips, you can easily enjoy a luxurious weekend getaway on a budget. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your next trip today and implement these hacks to save yourself some serious cash. Happy travels!

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