April 29, 2024 2:30 AM


Ever Heard of La Grand Place in Brussels? Find Out Why It's Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Ever Heard of La Grand Place in Brussels? Find Out Why It's Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

La Grand Place in Brussels, a stunning UNESCO World Heritage Site, holds a fascinating blend of history, architecture, and culture. Learn how this iconic square shapes the city's identity and intrigues visitors worldwide.


An Art Lover's Guide To Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, the capital of Belgium is never boring with its part wistful art nouveau, part concrete functionality.


Cats Used as Bait to Lure Tourists Back to Brussels

After a five-day lockdown provoked by the most extreme security alert, Brussels authorities are trying to lure back travellers who may have been frightened off by pictures of soldiers armed with rifles in the capital's deserted roads. Their mystery weapons are cats.


Brussels: The Center of Art Nouveau

Europe is known as the art capital of the world with art galleries galore. Many of the renowned artists came from Europe and their works are still there. During the early twentieth century, the art world saw a radical change that reflected the changing political views and pushed against the norms of the art world. This era became known as Avant-Garde art.


An Unlikely Place to Visit Abroad

The Bookstore! My favorite activity to do when traveling in Europe is to find a local bookstore. This may just be the inner book nerd in me, but I love a unique bookstore—actually just the smell the books in the bookstore. Finding a bookstore is not just for us Booknerds though. Many bookstores in Europe have amazing architecture, an interesting story about their history, or give an insight into the country’s culture.


The Sweet Side of Belgium

Belgium is known for its artisan chocolate with many critics claiming that the Belgians craft some of the world's finest. There are over 2,000 chocolate shops in Belgium, which is a testament to their passion for chocolate. The capital city of Brussels offers many insights into this Belgian craft.


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