February 15, 2025 11:37 AM

Top 5 Germiest Tourist Attractions

With millions of people visiting popular tourist sites every year, there's no doubt that they're bound to get filthy. If you're not a fan of germs, you may want to stay away from the top five germiest attractions according to TripAdvisor.

TripAdvisor held a poll to determine which tourist spots are the dirtiest. Here are the top five:

1. The Blarney Stone in Ireland
It is traditional to bend over backwards and kiss the stone that is built into Blarney Castle as it is said to give people the power of eloquent speech. However with more than 400,000 people a year kissing the stone, tourists likely pick up much more than great speaking skills.

2.The Gum Wall in Seattle, Washington
Ever since 1990, people have been adding their own chewed up gum to the wall outside Seattle's Market Theatre. It started as a way for people to get rid of their gum before entering the theater as they waited in line. The 50-foot wall is not covered from floor to ceiling in different colored gums from thousands of people.

3.Oscar Wilde's Tomb in Paris, France
The Blarney Stone isn't the only site to get kissed. It's tradition to kiss the tomb of the famous Irish author and playwright Oscar Wilde in Paris' Pere-Lachaise cemetery. There are hundreds of lipstick prints around the memorial from people kissing it.

4.St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy
The pigeons of St. Mark's Square make it another germy tourist spot. The popular area in Venice is home to thousands of pigeons who are looking for food. It has gotten so bad that vendors can no longer sell food to tourists to feed the birds as the city is trying to get rid of them.

5. Forecourt of Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, California

The Forecourt is home to the hand and footprints of some huge celebrities, so naturally everyone that visits them wants to touch them as well to see if their prints are a match.

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