February 14, 2025 06:00 AM

Considerate Parents of Twins Hand Out Candy and Ear Plugs To All Passengers on Flight

A crying baby on a plane can turn a flight into a nightmare. One couple understood that completely and decided to go above and beyond to ensure that fellow passengers wouldn't be bothered too much by their babies' behavior. They provided all passengers with goodie bags and offered ear plugs as an advanced apology for the potential crying of their newborn twins.

A couple boarded a flight from San Francisco to Washington, D.C with their 14-week-old twins and settled into the last two rows. Then the dad got up and started handing out goodie bags with candies to each of the passengers on the flight. The bags contained a typed noted explaining their purpose.

One of the passengers, Andrew Merritt, 27, took a photo of the goodie bag and posted it on Reddit, saying "Brilliant and thoughtful parents handed these out to everyone on my flight."

The note read 'We're twin baby boys on our first flight and we're only 14 weeks old! We'll try to be on our best behavior, but we'd like to apologize in advance just in case we lose our cool, get scared or our ears hurt. Our mom and dad (AKA our portable milk machine and our diaper changer) have ear plugs available if you need them."

The end of the note said where the parents were sitting so that people could get the ear plugs in case they needed them when the babies started crying, however it seemed like they weren't even needed.

"'The parents were fantastic and the kids were better than would be expected. Mom was super nervous and obviously very tired, but still extremely nice to everyone around her. Not a mean or frustrated word from dad either. Saw them meeting his parents at baggage, who were seeing babies for first time, and got a bit teary," Merritt explained.

"It was the babies' first flight, so they cried a little bit," Merritt said. "But the parents seemed to get them to calm down pretty quickly."

The photo has gone viral and has received thousands of comments and over a million views since it was posted on Reddit.

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