February 11, 2025 10:52 AM

Cyndi Lauper Dead?: Singer Was Not Found Dead In Her Hotel Room

Twitter is abuzz with the news that singer Cyndi Lauper has died, including a trending topic on Twitter, #RIPCyndiLauper. However, this is not true, and the singer is alive and well.

The hoax began with a fake tweet appearing to be from CNN that read, "Breaking News: singer Cyndi Lauper has been found dead in her hotel room. She was 60. More news to come."

Anyone who goes to the actual CNN website will see no mention of Lauper.

Cyndi Lauper is famous for hit songs such as "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," "Time After Time," and "True Colors."

She was invited to the White House this year for the inauguration to recognize her charitable efforts on behalf of gay and transgender rights.

She also won a Tony Award for Best Score for the Broadway show "Kinky Boots." She was the first woman to win the award as a solo writer.

She is also currently on tour, with upcoming shows scheduled for Englewood, New Jersey, Boston, Massachusetts, Queens, New York, Wiles-Barre, Pennsylvania and New Brunswick, New Jersey, and that is all in less than a week.

Lauper also tweeted about a performance by Miley Cyrus on October 9, where she sand "We Can't Stop" accapella on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," saying, "heard Miley on Jimmy Fallon, did an accapela version of 'We Can't Stop' was pre tapes with the Roots n Jimmy. It was grt."

"You sure made a huge impact on millions of people with your music," Matt Holbrook tweeted.

"So sad," @ThatMollyGirl06 tweeted.

However, some do realize it's a hoax.

"WHAT can everyone stop spreading rumors about someone dying...that's not funny whatsoever," @emilygaglione tweeted.

"She's not dead," @renee_lloyd tweeted. "And to those that started this: She sees your true colors, and that's why she dislikes you."

Lauper is the latest in a long line of celebrity to be victims of Internet death rumors, all of which are hoaxes. Fans should check reputable sources, such as major news networks and online outlets for confirmation of the death of a celebrity.

Other recent celebrity to have their deaths falsely reported include Jackie Chan, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Bill Cosby, Amanda Bynes, Angelina Jolie and Kristen Stewart.

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