February 11, 2025 16:09 PM

Justin Timberlake Dead?: Death Hoax Describes His Death In a Car Accident (VIDEO)

In case you thought the celebrity death hoax craze was over, another one has come along to keep the trend going, and this time the victim is musician and actor Justin Timberlake. Fans need not worry, as Timberlake is alive and well.

The rumors began after someone set up a Facebook page called "R.I.P. Justin Timberlake."

A web site called Global Associated News reported the death as well, saying, "Timberlake died in a single vehicle crash on Route 80 between Morristown and Roswell."

The site even went so far as to post a photograph of an overturned vehicle next to a photograph of Timberlake in an attempt to fool readers who may not have noticed that the site is fake.

"He was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the vehicle accident and was identified by photo ID found on his body," the site continues. "Highway Safety Investigators have told reporters that Justin Timberlake lost control while driving a friend's vehicle on Interstate 80 and rolled the vehicle several times killing him instantly."

The site goes on to say that he was driving at excessive speeds and that witnesses saw him cross the double yellow line and hit the divider.

The details make it easy for a reader to believe the report is accurate, though it's actually completely false.

As with many of the death hoaxes, there is a fake obituary on Necropedia, as well as other hoax web sites, such as Media Mass, that have also reported Timberlake's false demise.

Timberlake has just recently released a new album, and also has a song called "Dead and Gone." Perhaps the song inspired the hoax.

This death hoax is just the latest in a long line of hoaxes that have claimed the "deaths" of Amanda Bynes, Hillary Clinton, Bill Cosby, Angelina Jolie, Nelson Mandela and Adam Sandler, among others.

The video for "Dead and Gone" with Timberlake and T.I.

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