February 11, 2025 21:10 PM

Meet The Couple Who Make Six-Figure Salaries Just By Posting Travel Pictures On Instagram

Going on a long vacation and exploring a new country is something we've all clamored for, and having all those experiences with your partner makes everything more special and memorable. Millennial couples nowadays tend to invest more in travel than in material possessions, because, let's face it—lounging together on a white sand beach in the Philippines and posting a sweet picture on Instagram sounds much better than both owning limited edition shoes or what-not.

Prepared to be jealous then of Jack Morris and Lauren Bullen. They are currently living the dream of traveling around the most beautiful places on Earth, and they get paid while they're doing it.

They are both Instagram influencers who have amassed millions of followers because of their lifestyle, and while to us "normals", going on vacation is pretty much a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of thing, to Jack and Lauren, it's their everyday life.

According to Cosmopolitan UK, making a living off being Instagram influencers is not something they really planned on doing. Lauren used to be a dental assistant in Australia and Jack didn't even finish college and used to work 9-5 on a carpet cleaning job. After a little soul searching, they finally figured out what they want to do, and have crossed paths in Fiji for the same reason.

"We met in March 2016 whilst on a job together in Fiji. We got on so well from day one and were inseparable throughout the whole trip," said Morris in a post made by Travel and Leisure. Now, every single picture they post on Instagram doesn't earn less than $3,000.

All of their pictures are sensational and well taken, and according to the couple, they edit their pictures using Lightroom on Macbook Pro. They both have separate travel blogs as well—Jack takes all pictures of Lauren and Lauren takes all pictures of Jack. Their pictures together are made using a tripod and a timer.

According to Jack, it's not too late to start a similar lifestyle and be an Instagram influencer. He recently made a Q&A post in his travel blog where he listed some tips on influencing and on how he and Lauren are living the ultimate life.

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