February 12, 2025 11:14 AM

Trump Supporter’s Husband Gets Deported Back To Mexico

An American wife and Trump supporter believed US President Donald Trump will not deport the good people, including her undocumented Mexican husband. Reality proved her wrong when her Mexican husband was suddenly sent back to Mexico late Tuesday night.

The Trump supporter named Helen married Roberto Beristain, a Mexican immigrant the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers deported back to Juarez, Mexico. ICE has detained the Indiana resident in different detention centers across six states since Feb. 6 after a routine check-in. Chicago-based attorney Adam Ansari told BuzzFeed News that he and his team of pro bono immigration lawyers all agreed the rush removal of their client was "highly unusual." Ansari thought the immigration services just wanted to "short-circuit the judicial system."

ICE spokeswoman Leticia Zamarripa acknowledged in a statement that Beristain had been "turned over to Mexican authorities," but kept mum on the lawyers' claims. The Trump supporter's husband managed to live in the US for almost two decades without the proper immigration papers. His first brush with the authorities happened in 2000 when he and his wife accidentally crossed the US-Canadian border during their trip to the Niagara Falls.

Beristain was then released after posting bail and ordered to voluntarily leave the country in 60 days. The Mexican national, however, ignored the order because Helen was pregnant at that time. He then regularly checked himself with ICE and obtained a permit to put up a local restaurant in Granger as well as obtained a driver's license and social security card.

According to CNN, Helen told CNN affiliate WSBT in March that she voted for Trump even when her husband worried about Trump's proposed anti-immigration policies. She assured her husband then that Trump would only take on the "bad hombres" and believed that the real estate mogul only wanted to keep the country safe. She told WSBT then, "I think our President is going to keep all the good people here. He is not going to tear up families."

Donald trump, President Donald Trump, US President Donald Trump
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